Back To The Future Lego – Completed!

I blogged about this a few times over the last two years and now I’ve finally got my hands on it! The Lego Cuusoo project finally made it to stores and fulfilled the geeky wishes of many people, I’m sure.

Doc Brown never looked better

This is by no means a children’s toy. It took me a good hour (with part one playing in the background) to get it all together. Lots of fun, lots of surprises (major parts of the car seem to come together as if by magic), and a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

Half built and already looking amazing!

Done! Marty and Doc seem as pleased as me with my work

Note the hinged doors, hinged thrusters, and also fold-under wheels for that essential “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!” quote.

OUTATIME with Mr. Fusion

The best part of this kit is the added bonus of being able to choose your favourite car from the trilogy! OK, not all of them – it doesnt come with train wheels – but otherwise a lot of fun to change it up whenever you fancy.

Gull Wing moving doors as well as fold-under wheels

Overall, worth the £34.99 and even better – Togami and Sakuretsu (the two fan builders who submitted the idea to Lego) plan to donate their royalties to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research.