I was hit with a wave of nostalgia today and it came in the form, as it most often does, of TV from the past. Or more accurately, Cartoons.
After attempting to watch CBBC and other UK children’s TV channels I was suddenly hit with the notion that kids TV today is not what it used to be. CGI has killed off the soul of cartoons. Never again will kids sit and stare in wonder at something like ‘Rhubarb and Custard’ or ‘Henry’s Cat’. They expect Hi-Def and plenty of almost adult plot to keep them interested.
Therefore in honour of the past, I challenged myself to dedicate my art day to good old fashioned kids TV.
As mentioned in my previous post, I rediscovered ‘Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?’ and although it is more advanced than most other cartoons of its time, it still held an educational theme and wasn’t too ‘heavy’ for kids to watch. I decided to create a piece dedicated to the main character, Carmen herself.

Afterwards, I was still hungry for a quick illustration so I trawled the nostalgia sites looking for the perfect childhood hero – ‘Bananaman’! First realised in the Beano, he soon had his own 10 minute show commissioned which kept me entertained for years! Lets hear it for the B-Man.