Shop windows don’t have to be a passive experience. As part of PSFK’s Future of Retail Report, they prototyped an interactive digital display that adapts to whoever stands in front of it.
It identifies shoppers using Bluetooth low energy (BLE) and instantly reacts to a set of personal data stored on their mobile device, such as shopping habits and preferences. Shoppers can swipe through personalised content, place items in a virtual shopping cart, and purchase straight from the display.

Working in the digital marketplace personally, I think this concept could easily be put to use outside the context of a store environment; for example street billboards, bus stop signs or car showrooms. For now I think the retail experience has, for many people, to include touching and trying; which means our high streets are safe for the time being. How long before stores become showrooms and giant testing areas though is very much unknown and perhaps the next step in the digital marketplace.